II. Match Column A with B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blanks provided.
Column A
1. Earthquake
2. Crust
3. Volcano
4. Crater
5. Lava
6. mantle
7. epicenter
8. focus
9. Circumpacific Belt
10. Charles F. Richter
Column B
a. the outermost and thinnest layer of the earth
b. an area where plates are weak, another name for Pacific Ring of Fire
c. An American Seismologist who developed the magnitude scale
d. the sudden shaking of the earth's crust due to slipping of rock layers beneath the crust
e. magma that flowed out of the surface of a volcano
f. the second and the thickest layer of the earth
g. ground above the focus
h. the point of origin of an earthquake
i. the opening of a volcano
An opening on the earth's crust where molten rocks, gaseous materials, and ashes are
k. the innermost layer of the earth