1) yes because if he did not returning the puppy and the owner know where Is it maybe the owner was file a case accusing him of getting his/her puppy without permission
2). yes because the only way to protect ourselves even we are in the outside is wearing a facemask and bring alcohol.So that she is secured with the virus and she can help her parents toO.
3)yes, because Leos appreciated the hardwork of his parents by doing all the task that assigned to him
4) No because for the first place they knew that there was a heavy rain but they still go to the river and swim.And bacause of that his life is become indanger. But he should be thankful for the person who save his lives.
5) I thinK No because wearing helmet is on the bed while sleeping is not appropriate. And there is a rooftop already thats why even there is small rock fallng from the sky it will not hurt her.