29.b 2930sa 09.5 295160 Isvit27.d 290nsa Isyutlu II.MATCHING TYPE: Column A are the festivals, and Column B are the places of origin. Write the letter of the origin of the festival on each number. ert ni noienet 926919b usw.b girl19112.5 gniggoj.d 2921319x9 nwob loob .6 lloyw a' COLUMN A shoq yd 9 tulu a'lqoq eri wsCOLUMN Blwollot erit to ridw.e nig 1. Mammangui Festival dini anemolqmi bris 29mia. Pampanga vom riguori 293160 16159 2. Penafrancis Festival 29566 Isvit297.d b. Santiago City utlu 3. Ammungan Festivallow bns 22991 2'ono otic. Ilagan City risb Isvitet 1150 woH.A 4. Sangyaw Festival .92119 d. Tacloban City s al 11.6 5. Bambanti Festival vinummo lo oznsa brise. Vigan, Ilocos Sur Id 6. Panagbenga Festival 2925921b noistiq291-oibus f. Bicol edt 29uba 15 7. Ibon-Ebon Festival 165 290n6ring bris Yg 19ne ig. Isabela esimixsm 1.b 8. Pattaradday Festival cuoigilan-nons to elamsh. Baguio City wollot edit to rbidw.a. 9. Kinabayo Festival 225M. svit297 ognsM.d i. Dagupan City nodi 10. Binatbatan Festival ontod ni beisidele 916 3vj. Nueva Vizcaya at gniwollot adta 23 TU2.6 Isvit297 gnsygsnio. Isvit297 augnsad Isvit297 n6rits-IA .6 996 lls to