Activity A.2
Directions: Read the texts in each box. Then write A, on the blank if it comes from an
academic text, and L if it comes from a literary text. Write the answers on your
answer sheet.
An old king ruled over the kingdom of Bumbaran. His kingdom was prosperous,
his people were good and he should have been very happy. But the king was
envious toward his brother Prince Bantugan which resulted to his death. Prince
Madali loved his brother Bantugan dearly and volunteered to go the region of
the dead to bring him back to life.
Department of Education-Bureau of Leaming Resources. 2017. English 7 Loamor's Material.Pasig City. FEP
Printing Corp
Checking and scrolling through social media has become an increasingly
popular activity over the last decade. In fact, in the Philippines, time spent online
daily soared from 9 hours and 29 minutes last year to 10 hours and 2 minutes
this year, the highest in the world. Social media addiction is characterized as
being driven by an uncontrollable urge to log on to or use social media, and
devoting so much time and effort to social media that it impairs other important
life areas.
Social Media Addiction. Accessed October 23, 2020.
Not yet, Rizal, not yet. Sleep not in peace:
There are a thousand waters to be spanned;
There are a thousand mountains to be crossed;
There are a thousand crosses to be borne.
Our shoulders are not strong; our sinews are
Grown flaccid with dependence, smug with ease
Department of Education-Bureau of Learning Resources. 2017. English 7 Leamer's Material. Pasig City: FEP
Printing Corp.
4. Cybercrime, also called computer crime, is the use of a computer as an
instrument to further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, trafficking in child
pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating privacy.
Cybercrime." Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed October 23, 2020.
Good personal hygiene habits are directly related to less illnesses and better
health. Poor personal hygiene habits, however, can lead to some minor side
effects, like body odor and greasy skin. They can also lead to more troublesome
or even serious issues. For example, if you don't wash your hands frequently,
you can easily transfer germs and bacteria to your mouth or eyes. This can lead
to any number of issues, from stomach viruses to pink eye. Not brushing your
teeth can lead to teeth issues and plaque buildup.
Holland, Kimberly. Creating a Personal Hygiene Routine. Updated May 18, 2018.​