1. In Trigonometry, 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° are called as _________________________.

A. Special Angles C. Right Triangle Theorem

B. Special Right Triangles D. Geometric Methods

2. The legs of this triangle are congruent, and the length of its hypotenuse is √2 times the

length of a leg. What kind of triangle does the given statement refer to?

A. Acute Triangle C. 45° - 45° - 90° Triangle

B. Equilateral Triangle D. 30° - 60° - 90° Triangle

3. The hypotenuse of this triangle is twice the length of its shorter leg and the length of the

longer leg opposite the 60° angle is √3 times the length of the shorter leg.

A. Acute Triangle C. 45° - 45° - 90° Triangle

B. Obtuse Triangle D. 30° - 60° - 90° Triangle​

1 In Trigonometry 0 30 45 60 And 90 Are Called As A Special Angles C Right Triangle TheoremB Special Right Triangles D Geometric Methods2 The Legs Of This Trian class=