The three basic elements of spoken language are the following:
1. Stress - is putting more emphasis on a sound, phrase, or word by pronouncing it louder and more forcefully. The stress that the speaker put on a syllable or a word can influence the meaning of what is being stated.
2. Intonation - refers to how a speaker's voice rises and lowers in pitch. Intonation is the melodic pattern of an utterance in phonetics. Intonation is largely a question of changing the pitch level of the voice, but stress and rhythm are also factors in languages like English. Intonation communicates changes in expressive meaning, such as surprise, indignation, and caution.
3. Pause - is a temporary stop, or a pause in speaking (or reading) that emphasizes or clarifies meaning. The speaker might gather his or her thoughts before making the final appeal: pause just before the utterance, consider what you want to say, and then make your final appeal with increased vigor. Pause prepares the listener to hear your message: take a breather and allow your audience's attention powers a break.
For more information about spoken language, please click the link below.
1.) What is the disadvantages of spoken language?
2.) Differences and similarities of spoken language and written Language.