essay about"how do i build the defenses against challenges to acquire the best quality of my life"

Sagot :

Challenges are like spices in life, they kept you hot and active all at the same time. You need to undergo and overcome these challenges because these can test your endurance and strength to carry on with life. It may sound a cliche but challenges are blessings in disguise. They are gateways to much bigger opportunities and chances if you can just handle them with flying colors. It must be very hard to treat challenges as friends but it is harder to treat them as enemies because it is only when you think positively of them that you can surely win against them. 

In order to conquer the challenges and acquire the best quality of life, you must not forget that nothing comes easy. Everything that you wanted to achieve requires extra effort and patience. There is no other way to win and defend yourself but to win. There is no other option but winning. Always bear in mind that challenges should not be hindrances, they should be inspirations to dream and work even harder.