Let’s Apply
Keeping a stable environment requires constant adjustments. Determine how
our organ systems through coordination with the nervous system help the
body maintain homeostasis by matching each given stimulus in Column A to
the body’s responses in Column B. Write the letter of you answers on the space
provided before the number.
____________1. Thermoreceptors and
mechanoreceptors in your skin sense
changes in temperature and pressure
A. Pancreas releases insulin to
absorb sugar from the blood.
____________2. You entered the room
where there is low light.
B. Nerves make muscles contract
which moves the bones of the
____________3. Conditions are too warm
and your body temperature rises
C. Pupils dilate optimizing the
amount of light entering the eye
for best vision.
____________4. The temperature in your
room drops to 10°C
D. Nerves trigger sweat glands to
release fluid that evaporates and
cools the skin.
____________5. A high concentration of
carbon dioxide in your blood triggers
faster breathing
E. The kidneys produce more
concentrated urine, so less water
is lost from the body.
____________6. A low level of water from
your blood triggers retention of water by
the kidneys.
F. The lungs exhale more
frequently, which removes
carbon dioxide from the body
more quickly.
____________7. There is a high
concentration of sugar in your blood.
G. Blood vessels constrict to
conserve heat. The nervous
system triggers your muscles to
shiver to generate heat and
warm your body.