Direction: Write TRUE of the statement is correct. # the statement is wrong, change the
underlined word or words to make the statement correct
a Con
1. The Global health initiatives are programs set in motion by the United
2. Poverty is a state of having no money and personal properties, lang
below minimum economic and social standards
3 The millennium development goals are & targets that all 201 UN Member
States have agreed to achieve by 2015
4. According to Ilona Kickbush global health is an area for study, research
and practice which gives priority on improving and achieving healthcare and wellness
5. One of the benefits of globalization to the world is the development and
improvement of various health initiatives
6. Roll back Malaria is a global effort to reduce the number of deaths from
malaria infection
7. One of the programs for Stop TB is the implementation of the TB-DOTS
short-course strategy
8. Tuberculosis is caused by plasmodium parasites transmitted through
mosquito bites.
9. The Global fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria helps in the prevention,
reduction and mitigation of the positive impacts of the three diseases
10. Generation of new vaccines help to reduce the number of death among
children 5 years old and above.​