Can we say that our uniqueness with

each other makes our world

a beautiful place?

Elaborate your answer.​

Sagot :


Have you ever stopped to think about what it is that makes you truly beautiful? Beyond makeup and beauty regimens, the answer might surprise you…

How crazy and beautiful it is to truly realize that there are billions of us walking this planet right now, and yet not one of us is exactly the same.

As the earth continues to turn, I feel as though I become more and more myself. I tune in more and more to what inspires me; what makes me feel. I accept that these things are constantly evolving, and I feel more and more comfortable trusting my feelings… paying attention to them… exploring them… giving them the credit they so deserve.

I don’t think we’re meant to be just like one another. I think we’re put here to carve out our own paths; to learn from our experiences; to create something beautiful, and to inspire others along the way. I trust you already know everything I’m about to say, but sometimes it just feels good to hear it from someone else.You are a piece of art. The way you look… the way you move… the way you speak… the way you think. Every piece of you comes together as a brilliant work of art, created from the energies and elements of the earth itself. At times, you will find others who appear quite similar to you – strikingly, even – but no one will ever compare to you. How could they? They, themselves, are their own unique works of art.