1. Direction: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. A science of cultivating the land, producing crops, and raising fish and livestock.
Industrial Arts
b. Technology
c. Agriculture
d. Home Economics
2. Which of the following statements matches the idea of planting trees is one way of saving
the environment?
It protects the land against soil erosion.
b. The leaves of the trees absorb carbon dioxide in the air and produce oxygen that is
necessary for life.
C. Trees also provide habitat, protection and food for many plant and animal species,
d. All of the above.
3. Which of the following statements expresses advantages from planting trees and fruit
bearing trees?
a. Planting trees can be stressful to everyone.
b. We don't get anything benefits from planting trees.s
c. Knowledge in planting trees and fruit bearing trees help the family find additional
income and saves our environment,
d. None of the above.
4. The leaves of the trees absorb carbon dioxide in the air and produces
that is
necessary for life.
a. Oxygen
C. water
b. Nitrogen
d. food
5. How many tons of carbon dioxide absorbs by an acre of forest?
a. 4 tons
c. 5 tons
b. 6 tons
d. 3 tons

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