1. A physical and emotional responses to a significant unexpected changes or disruptions in life a. Distress b. Eustress c. Stress d. Stressor 2. Refers to the things that make a person stress a. Death b. Distress c. Eustress d. Stressor 3. It is a chant style or chant formula used in rocking the baby to sleep a. Dikker b. Lugu c. Lullaby d. Lunsey 4. A Maranao term for lullaby a. Bayok b. Dikker c. Lunsey d. Ya-ya 5. A song of the Yakans to put the baby to sleep, sung in a relax/slow manner a. Bayok b. Dikker c. Lunsey d. Ya-ya 6. A CHANT that they use in reading their Qur'an and other books they used in their religion a. Bayok b. Dikker c. Lugu d. Lunsey 7. A musical element that refers to the basic structure of a musical composition or performance. a. Form b. Rhythm c. Texture d. Melody 8. A systematic arrangement of musical sounds, principally according to duration and periodic stre: a. Form b. Rhythm c. Structure d. Melody 9. Below are descriptions of Folk dance EXCEPT: a. It is handed down from generation to generation c. an oldest form of dance b. Do not have a fixed movement in their pattern d. a traditional dance in a country 10. These are songs of Yakans that is used for serenading their loved ones a. Dikker b. Lugu c. Bayok d. Kalangan​