Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. An artistic form in which hard or plastic materials are worked into three-dimensional art objects.
A. Ornament
B. Architecture
C. Sculpture
D. Functional Art
2. Maitum jar is an earthenware vessel for secondary burial from Sarangani province. These artifacts were
discovered in
and are now in the protection of the National Museum.
A. 1991
B. 1993
C. 1992
D. 1994
3. Gador is a large intricate decorated white metal tobacco container. It has become an item of interior decoration in
A. Tboli
B. Maranao
C. Tausug
D. Moro
4. A large manually carved wooden top inlaid with mother-of-pearl
. It is used by adult males to test their skills and
A. Batige
B. Rarub-A-Klong
C. Kendi
D. Kampilan
5. A heirloom teapot or kettle used for hot water, coffee, or tea.
A. Batige
B. Rarub-A-Klong
C. Kendi
D. Kampilan​