c. andesitic magna te mama b. rhyolitic magma stream-driven eruption as the hot rocks come in contact with water. robolia C. vulcanian hatic or hydrothermal d. phreatomagmatic violent eruption due to the contact between water and magma. c. vulcanlan hreatic or hydrothermal d. phreatomagmatic parodie weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain lava. Strombolian c. vulcanian Fhreatic or hydrothermal d. phreatomagmatic caracterized by tall eruption columns that reach up to 20 km high with pyroclastic flow hrali tephra. Strombolian c. vulcanian Phreatic or hydrothermal d. phreatomagmatic 10 oncessively explosive type of gas and pyroclastic. b. vulcanian C. Strombolian d. phreatic This are formed by the accumulation of lava that oozes out from the volcano. Cinder cones b. stratovolcanoes c. shield volcanoes d. phreatomagmatic These are built from ejected lava fragments. Kinder cones b. stratovolcanoes c. shield volcanoes d. phreatomagmatic 10. These are large, nearly perfect sloped structure formed alternate solidification of both lava and pyroclastic deposits. a. Cinder cones b. stratovolcanoes c. shield volcanoes d. phreatomagmatic 11. How clo volcanic eruptions affect society? can cause loss of lives and properties. It can produced very rich soils for farming. It can caused the decrease in the Earth's surface temperature. c. Al of the above 12. How li geothermal energy generated? a. Geothermal power plants c. geothermal heat pumps b. Mydrothermal power plants d. none of the above 13. The beat happens from the deep inside the earth is used to produce steam to generate electricity. a. Geothermal power plants c. geothermal heat pumps b. mvdrothermal power plants d. none of the above 14. It uses the heat coming from close to the Earth's surface to heat water or provide heat fe buildings. a. Geothermal power plants c. geothermal heat pumps b. Mycrothermal power plants d. none of the above 15. Which country ranked second in the world's production of geothermal energy? c. China b. Japan d. Philippine a Europe