. We should not be a Luddite especially during this time that technology is of great use.
A. a person who is adept to technology
B. a person who likes to socialize with others
C. a person opposed to new technology
D. a person who loves to work and loves to explore technology
2. Indigent Filipinos who leave their tribes, find themselves untethered in a city, no work and where there
is no place to sleep.
A. not free
B. it describes something that's tied up
C. not confined or restricted with a rope or chain
D. tie with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement
3. The teacher shushed the students because she can’t hear the answer.
A. to bow down
B. tolerate someone to make noise
C. to encourage loudness in a place
D. tell or signal (someone) to be silent
4. There has been a slight setback in our plans because of Covid 19 pandemic.
A. to make things possible to do
B. something that pushes through
C. to make things happen at any rat
D. something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing
5. Unsociable people frequently feel a sense of alienation from those around them.
A. feeling of oneness
B. the feeling of being accepted
C. belonging to a group or community
D. the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity