true or false. the story of keesh by Jack London 1. Keesh is eighteen years old when he started Hunting food for the village People 2. The chief of the village, Klosh-Kwan, lives jn a big Igloo. 3. Keesh complained about the unfair division of meat amonf villagers for the week ones were crying at night because of hunger and the strong ones were groaning in pain because of overeating. 4. To express her grief upon Keesh's inability to return to the village on his first hunting trip, Ikeega put soot of seal-oil on her face. 5. Bim and Bawn are two young hunters tasked by the council to spy Keesh as he go on hunting so they may know his secret in killing his targets. 6. Because of Keesh's headcraft he was able rise from the meanest igloo to be the heaf of his village.