1. It is the the structure or design of any musical compositions.
• Musical Composition
- In music, form refers to the structure of a musical composition or performance.
2. It is a shortest unit of music.
• Motif
- Motif is a short musical phrase, a salient recurring figure, musical fragment or succession of notes that has some special importance in or is characteristic of a composition: "The motive is the smallest structural unit possessing thematic identity".
3. It is called the combination of motifs forming the melodies in music.
• Musical Phrase
- when two or more motifs are combined, a musical phrase is firmed. It is similar to a line in a poem.
4. It is a musical symbol seen above or below the group of measures in a musical staff.
• Clef
- A clef determines which specific pitches are assigned to the lines and spaces. These additional lines (and the spaces they form) indicate pitches above or below the staff.
5. It is the simplest musical form.
• Strophic Form
- Strophic form is one of the most common musical forms. Stophic is the simplest musical form. It's also referred to as song form or verse form. It's the most basic of all the forms because of its repetitiveness. , typically featuring an AAA structure.