Plan for Originality of Concept. What original thought or combination of ideas can you bring together on your next project. Any type of artists needs original concepts.
Experiment and Capture Random Occurrences. Experimentation and happy accidents are often things that will lead you in newly discovered directions.
Consider One Source Versus Many Sources of Influence. As artists and designers, we have many sources of inspiration. ...
Develop Your Passion and Unique Artistic Vision. Part of what drives us forward is our passion. ...
Refine Your Process and Skill Set. All artists will follow some tradition, often multiple traditions. ...
Set Obtainable Goals and Challenges. I think we all know how to set and achieve goals, but let's review this a bit. ...
Achieve Self-Direction Through Hard-Won Success. At some point artists graduate to a point where their process, interests, and experience has led them to a state of self-direction.