II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and understand the statements before choosing the letter of your answer. For #1 & 2, which of the following terms is referred to? A. Hand tools C. Farm implements B. Farm equipment D. None of the above 1. These are accessories being pulled 2. These needs highly skilled operator to use. 3. It is used for watering seedlings and young plants. A. Sprayer B. Sprinkler C. Water pail D. Hand trowel 4. It is used for breaking hard topsoil and pulverizing soil. A. Crowbar B. Spade C. Grab hoe D. Shovel 5. Which does not belong to the group? A. Hand fork B. Crowbar C. Light hoe D. Pick Mattock 6. Pruning shear: :: Pick mattock : Digging big holes A. Cutting unnecessary branches of tree C. Chopping branches of trees B. Loosening soil D. Removing trash or soil 7. Native plow : Implement :: : Hand tools A. Thresher C. Wheel borrow D. Disc Harrow B. Water pump