1. It is defined as a push or pull that starts, stops or changes the direction of a moving object.
A. Motion B. Force C. Energy D. Food
2. It is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces sticking or touching together.
A. Gravity B. Electrical C. Friction D. Magnetic
3. Which has the greatest frictional force among these surfaces?
A. Polished floor B. Tiled floor C. Wet floor D. Sandy floor
4. Friction is a force that opposes motion. It acts in the direction of a moving object.
A. same B. opposite C. upward D. downward
5. Which of the following statements best describes friction?
A. It is a force that occurs when surfaces touch each other.
B. It is a force that occurs in smooth surfaces.
C. It is a force that occurs between solids and liquids.
D. It is a force that occurs only on rough surfaces.
6. When an object rolls over a surface is produced.
A. Fluid friction B. Rolling friction C. Sliding friction D. Static friction
7. Which of the following statement is true about rolling friction?
A. It is produced when an object is at rest.
B. It is produced when an object is moving in water
C. It is produced when an object is rolled in a surface.
D. It is produced when an object rub against each other.
8. Which is an example of an object that can produce rolling friction when rolls over a
A Ball B. Cabinet C. Shoe box
D. Table
9. Riding a bicycle and using of wheelbarrow (kariton) are examples of
A. Fluid friction B. Rolling friction C. Sliding friction D. Static friction
10. Which of the following shows an example of rolling friction?
A. A kite flying
C. A soccer ball rolling on the ground.
B. A paper boat floating.
D. A picture frame on the table.
11. What is sliding friction?
A. It occurs between two surfaces that come in contact with each other.
B. It occurs in stationary objects or objects at rest.
C. It occurs between moving objects and a liquid or between an object moving in the air.
D. It opposes the motion of the wheel turning along a surface.​