Let us apply what you have learned in the previous module. Below is a picture
showing 10 hazards, identify at least 5 hazards and explain why they are hazards.​

RECAPLet Us Apply What You Have Learned In The Previous Module Below Is A Pictureshowing 10 Hazards Identify At Least 5 Hazards And Explain Why They Are Hazards class=

Sagot :

Answer:1. Be Aware of your sorroundings

This step requires knowing the particular hazards of your job or workplace. Once you've learned these risks, you are able to keep clear of potential hazardous areas, and potential hazardous situation. Also, always be atert of machinery.

2. Keep Correct Posture to Protect Your Back

If with you work at desk, Keep your shoulders in line with your hips to avoid back problems. If you're picking things up, use correct form so your back doesn’t get hurt. Avoid stooping and twisting. If possible, always use ergonomic designed furniture and safety equipment so everything you need is within easy reach.

3. Take Regular Breaks

So many work related injuries and illnesses occur because a worker is tired, barned out and not alert their sorroundings. Taking regular breaks helps stay fresh on the job. One trick to staying alert is to schedule the most difficult tasks when your concentration is best, like first thing in the morning.

4. Use tools And Machines Properly

Take proper precautions when using tools, and Never take shortcuts. Taking shortcuts is one of the leading cause of workplace injury. It's a huge safety risk to use scaffolding as a ladder or one tool in place of another for a specific job. Using Hools the right way greatly reduces the chance of workplace injury.

5. Keep Emergency Exits Earily Accessible

In case of an emergency, you'll need quick, easy access to the exits. It's also recommended clear access to equipment strtoffs in case you need to quickly stop them from functioning.