Diseases of the circulatory system:
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) - Blood pressure is the measurement on how much force is put in blood circulation. High blood pressure can often result heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke. There are no symptoms for this, which is why it's often nicknamed "the silent killer".
Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease - Atherosclerosis is disease regarding the hardening of arteries, occurs when plaque builds up on arteries and eventually stops blood flow. Plaques is made up of cholesterol, fat, and calcium. Coronary artery disease indicates that the plaque build-up caused the arteries to narrow down and harden. The disease develops over time, and it may often lead to feeling weight or pain in the chest.
Heart Failure - This occurs when muscle in the heart is weakened or damaged. It normally occurs when the heart has had other diseases such as heart attacks and coronary artery disease. early symptoms include fatigue and swelling in the ankles. In more severe cases, they include chest pain and fainting.