Marynorbrillantes323viz Marynorbrillantes323viz Technology and Home Economics Answered 1 What type of measuring instrument will you use in order to measure the electrical pressure in a circuit? *a. Clamp Ammeterb. Test Lightc. Voltmeterd. Wire Gauge2. An electrical measuring instrument that is connected along or series to the circuit. *a. Ammeterb. Micrometerc. Rulerd. Volt-Ohmmeter3. A pocket size tool used to test the line wire. *a. Clamp Ammeterb. Test Lightc. Voltmeterd. Wire Gauge4. Which of the following is a 12 inches measuring instrument. *a. Ammeterb. Micrometerc. Rulerd. Volt-Ohmmeter5. This measuring instrument is primarily used to measure wire from gauges 0 to 60 AWG. *a. Clamp Ammeterb. Test Lightc. Voltmeterd. Wire Gauge6. To compute for the unknown quantity of current, which of the following is the correct formula? *a. I = V x Rb. I = V / Rc. I = R / Vd. I = V + R7. To compute for the unknown quantity of resistance, which of the following is the correct formula? *a. R = I x Vb. R = I / Vc. R = V / Id. R = I + V8. To compute for the unknown quantity of voltage, which of the following is the correct formula? *a. V = I x Rb. V = I / Rc. V = R / Id. V = I + R9. A lamp has a resistance of 15 Ω. If it is connected to 12 V source the current taken is _______? *a. 1.25Ab. 0.8Ac. 1Ad. 80mA10. The load has 5A and 44Ω, what would be the voltage? *1 pointa. .220Vb. 2.20Vc. 220 Vd. 2,200V