what do you think will happen if you will not follow the structure or the steps in drafting pattern for ladies trouser?​

Sagot :


The basic pants pattern is one of the pillars in flat pattern drafting. There are great benefits for both home sewers and clothing designers to know how to draft. But all those numbers and steps to follow are so frustrating, right?

Well, they don’t have to be. Drafting a pattern from measurements doesn’t have to be difficult and intimidating.

You might be thinking:

Why do I need to learn flat pattern drafting and especially how to draft the basic pant sloper? I am not going to lie – flat pattern drafting can be boring and there is simple math involved. It is simply a process of following some monotonous steps of drafting and connecting dots. But it is necessary for any clothing designer.

The reason is – it will make your designing efforts easier, not harder. And you sew only for yourself, you can craft the perfect pattern for your shape and then just modify it to get a different look.