In what other ways can you make use of the concept on percentage compohsition?​

Sagot :


When asked to calculate a compound's percentage composition, keep in mind that this refers to the percentage by mass (weight). In other words, the percentage composition of water shows how much hydrogen and how much oxygen make up a water molecule's density. By percentage composition, the relative ratio by which the atoms combine is not seen.

The percentage composition can be seen in several ways.

  • Many processing compounds need exact numbers of various materials. A silver dye for pharmaceutical testing, for example, contains.8% silver nitrate, 1.9% sodium hydroxide, and 1.4 percent ammonium hydroxide. The rest is deionized distilled water. By mass, a polymer used for the nonstick surfaces of cooking utensils contains 24% carbon and 76% fluorine.
  • Elemental analysis is a technique for determining a substance's elemental composition (for example, dirt, waste or drinking water, bodily fluids, rocks, or chemical compounds). Qualitative (determining which elements are present) or quantitative (determining how many elements are present) element analysis is possible (determining how much of each element is present). This expertise is useful for deciding an unknown compound's composition or demonstrating the structure of a synthesized compound.
  • The purity of a compound can be calculated by comparing the percentage composition observed experimentally to the theoretical value determined from the compound's formula.
  • The percentage composition can affect air temperature, fuel oxidation, and even popping popcorn. The amount of water in a molecule is important. If there isn't enough water, the kernel won't pop. And, even though we don't realize it, percentage forming is a part of our daily lives.
  • Percentage composition can be used in a lot of forms, as we've seen. However, it's worth noting that elemental analysis does not yield a molecular formula. The product of elemental analysis is often expressed as a percentage of the total mass of each of the elements examined.


I hope it helps Godbless :)