Sagot :
Francisco Santiago wrote “Pakiusap,” meaning “Plead,” for voice and piano. It is another example of kundiman, but also has influences from the Spanish haranas, or serenade. Santiago has chosen this poem by Jesus Balmori. A love struck serenader sings to his beloved about his devotion to her until his death. He pleads for her to open her window and take pity on him. Although this piece does not obviously talk about revolme meution, we can see how this suitor’s pleas can be interpreted as something deeper than just a serenade. One can liken this undying love for love of one’s country. This suitor promises to put his love in his protective care (mm 29), disregarding all the other empty promises and dreams of other suitors (mm 25). His pleads and promises can be seen as metaphorically relfecting the struggles with colonial powers.