Learning Task 2: Directions: Rearrange the sentences in each group to form a logical paragraph using all the cohesive devices as your guide. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Paragraph 1 ____ A. The U.N. affirms this when it states that the first right of every child is the right to be wanted. _____B. A child should never be the result of chance, but should always be the product of a responsible gift of love of its parents to each other, and to all of humanity and the Creator Himself. _____C. Likewise, all parents should prepare their own little world – their home. _____D. God prepared the world for the coming of His only begotten son. Paragraph 2 _____A. During this critical stage, a child is no longer a child but not yet an adult. _____B. At this stage, responsible parenthood demands that parents learn to gradually “let go” of their parental authority and learn to be their child’s best friends. _____C. From age 13 to 19, a child needs much understanding from its parents in order to overcome the difficult tensions and crises of adolescence. ___D. In this process, the child learns a sense of true love, since friendship is really nothing more than a form of unselfish love.