example of personification, irony, methaphor, and hyperbole about covid 19​

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This study aimed to identify the types of figurative language used in poems about

COVID-19 and to explain the messages of these poems. This research was conducted

by using descriptive qualitative methods. The data were taken from five poems about

COVID-19 on the Internet. The data were analyzed by using Leech’s theory to identify

the types of figurative language and Nurgiyantoro’s theory to explain the meanings of

the figurative language. There were eight types of figurative language found in the

poems: metaphor (14.5 %), personification (13.3 %), simile (16.9%), hyperbole (13.3%),

irony (8.5%), litotes (1.2%), metonymy (28.9%), and oxymoron (3.7%). The dominant

type of figurative language used was therefore metonymy. There were two kinds of

messages found, namely social messages and moral messages.

Keywords: Figurative Language, Poems, COVID-19.

1. Introduction

Human and language cannot be separated each other; humans need language as a

media to communicate and to express their feeling both spoken and written. Spoken

communication can be expressed through conversation, speech, singing, debate, and

so on. While some other people do not have a good way in speaking ability, then

the written communication can be an alternative. Written language is categorized as

a literary work commonly found in novel, newspaper, poem, and magazine, etc. This

statement is supported by Gleason and Ratner (1998) stating that language is basic

need to human existence and life without words is difficult to envision.

On 30th January 2020, WHO declared the Chinese outbreak of COVID-19 to be

a Public Health Emergency of International Concern posing a high risk to countries

with vulnerable health systems (WHO, 2020). Pandemic Covid-19 gives a big effect of

human interactions. All the people around the world should stay at home, to prevent