IC OF MINDANAO Learning Task #1: Directions: Fill in the blank with correct information. Make sure to write the correct spelling 1. is a song used to put baby to sleep. 2. Dikker are sacred songs highlighted by the of Qur'an. 3. Singing small number of musical notes repeatedly is called 4. Vocal music of Mindanao shows the to express the emotions, events, and word view. that Filipinos use 5. In the death of a loved one, a song of performed. called dekir/dekil is 6. During Maranao's performed Bayok. 7. Sail/Lunsey is an important chant that talks about 8. A night prayer chant is called 9. The Yakans sing in soothing manner to put baby to sleep. 10. Singing many tones in one syllable is called​