If the top were longer would you be able to predict the distance the marble would travel in four seconds? In five seconds?
As students have played around with marble rolls over the past few days, many have hypothesized that ramps set at greater heights (“steeper ramps”) in- fluence speed and distance. Today, they test this conjecture in a more for- mal manner, holding all variables con- stant except the height at which the top of the ramp is set. After the teacher demonstrates the experimental setup, children work to perform 3 trials for each height and measure the distance the marble rolls each time.
Counting by 10’s and 1’s, measuring length using nonstandard units, investigating the effect of ramp height on the speed and distance a marble rolls, exploring some basic principles of experimental design, including constants, variables, multiple trials, and measuring outcomes.
Have you ever tried to travel from Samar to Manila? How long does it take the bus to travel going to Manila?
Mini Van, Bus: 28hours 39minutes
Hope is it help