THE CICADAS Cicadas are winged mseets that look very much like and dark colored the Odike the loudest sound and the insects The buling made by the male condus can be heard as far as a hall kilometer away The mule cicada akes us loud still song by means of drum like plate under he stomach which he vibrates very rapidly. The sound attracts female cicadas The males often asemble and make a chers with their songs The male cionde soon dies after eating The female cicadas also die as soon as they have given birth to their young called mmphis" Ciondes are found in many parts of the world The young of the creada digs into the ground soon after it is hatched. It spends the greater part of its life underground fooding on the juices of plant roots When fully grown it digs its way out of the ground, shods its old skin, and emerges as an adult creada with wings 1. Cicades are a. burds b insects e fishes 2 They look like gant a moths b. fleas o flies 3. They make the sound in the inscct world. a loudest b softest e most beautiful cicadas sing to attract their mates a Male b. Both c. Female 5. Cicadas are found in a many b. some parts of the world e selected​