8. How distance between two objects affects the pull of gravity? A. The laser the distance, the lesser the gravitational pull between them. B. The greater the distance, the lesser the gravitational pull between them. C. The greater the distance, the greater the gravitational pull between them. D. None of these, the gravitational pull between them depends on their weights. My Hello 9. A baseball and a sheet of paper are dropped at the same time from the same height. What will occur if there is no air resistance? A. The baseball will land first. B. The paper will float slowly through the air. C. The baseball will float slowly through the air. D. The baseball and the paper will land at the same time. 10. Why did a ball thrown to the air fall back to the ground? Â Gravity causcd the ball to all B. Air caused the ball to fall on the ground. C. Acceleration caused the ball to move fast. D. The weight of the ball made it move faster.