pahelp naman po please
nonsense= report

Do you think he is capable of handling difficult situations and other unexpected occurrences that impact lives of Filipinos?
» I reckon he is capable of handling difficult situations and occurrences like all former presidents. The only problem I suppose is that this administration is too darn distracted with their critics, every move they make is always smeared with politics, they're focusing more on the opposition and not the elephant in the room that must be solved right away.
Are the reporters being fair or biased?
» In my own view point, reporters and media aren't biased, they are actually fair and considerate. The administration just don't want their odors reeking in the public, that's why they're too afraid to admit their mistakes and they always make sure to point a finger to those reporters and journalists who are exposing them.
This is the biggest flaw of this administration, being a cry baby in a situation where people is in floods of tears.