Tell what property of equality is illustrated in each statement. Choose your answer A--E.
Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the numbe

A. Refexive Property B. Symmetric Property C. Transitive Property D. Multiplication Property E. Addition Property

--------1. -7=-7
--------2. If 9=3+6,then 3+6=9.
--------3. if 8+7=15 and 15=6+9,then 8+7=6+9.
---------4. if 5=9-4,then 9-4=5.
---------5.if (3)(5)=15,then(3)(5)·4=15·4.
---------6. if 8+7=15,then 8+7+4=15+4.
----------7. 0.75=0.75
----------8. if 12+5=7,then (12=5)+(-8)=17+(-8)
----------9. if 2+6=8,then (2=6)=3=8+3
----------10. 35=35
-----------11. if 7+2=9, then (7+2)+(-3)=9+(-3)
-----------12. if (6(5)=30, then (6)(5)·(
-----------13. IF 7+3=10,THEN 10=7+3
-----------14.IF (2)(8)=16, THEN (2)(8)·5=16·5
-----------15. IF 20+9=29 AND 29=13+16, THEN 20+9=13+16