1. Is a System software that manages the hardware resources and
Provides services to the Application software,
A. operating system B. network OS C. Peer to Peer D. Client server
2. Is a computer operating system that facilitates to connect and
communicate various autonomous computers over a network
A. operating system
B. network OS C. Peer to Peer D. Client server
3. An operating system in which all the nodes are functionally and
operationally equal to each other.
A. operating system B. network OS C. Peer to Peer D. Client server
4. System operates with a single server and multiple client computers in
the network
A operating system B, network OS C. Peer to Peer D. Client server
5. It is a very powerful computer, that is capable of tackling large
Calculations and operations,
C. server machine D. Client server
A. operating system B. network OS​