1. 1
_2. Sophia, a volcanologist, is observing a volcano that has alternating quiet and violent eruptions.
Which of the following statements is incorrect about the volcano?
A The volcano is active
C The volcano is lower than Taal volcano
B The volcano is a composite volcano
D The volcano releases sticky lava with ash
3. There are more than 300 inactive volcanoes in the Philippines. Some of them were reclassified in the
active list or in potentially active list. Which of the following is an inactive volcano?
A Taal
B Mayon
C Batulao
D Kanlaon
4. Which of the following analogies is incorrect.
A composite: broad
C shield: high
B shield: low
D cinder: steep
5. Juan has been fascinated with volcano. He even observed and researched on the history of the
volcano on their province. Below are the characteristics that he observed. How do you classify this
volcano that Juan has been observed?
1. low compared to other volcanoes
2. its lava spreads through its side vents
3. it has less violent eruption
A cinder
B inactive
C composite
D shield
6. Volcanoes may differ on the type of eruption it show rooted on the magma's water content. How will
you classify a volcano if it has a periodic weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain lava?
A phreatomagnetic volcanic eruption
C strombolian volcanic eruption
B hydrothermal volcanic eruption
D vulcanian eruption
7. An analysis of Taal volcano was conducted by science students. From the soil sample, they noticed
that the volcano is composed of partly burned substance (cinder) and ash. How will you classify this
type of volcano?
A shield
B composite
C cinder
D caldera
8. How will you predict if an active volcano is about to erupt?
A More animals dwell on the active volcano C Plants wilt and die on the area
B No volcanic earthquakes will be experienced D All of the above
9. Which of the following is not a factor that affects volcanic eruptions?
A buoyancy of magma
C injection of magma into filled chamber
B pressure of gases in the magma
D density of volcano
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