C Assessment Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No 31, S.
2020)Directions: (True or False ) Write TRUE W the statement correct and FALSE *
is incorrect. (#1 is done for you)
1. Enhancing a product means improving appearance of the product
2 Sketching drawing in which only the contours of a product are seen.
thus emphasizing the shape of a design.
3 Customers are not easily attracted to a well-decorated product
4 Finishing the product can convince the costumer to buy
5 Enhancing the product helps promote the economy of the country and
solve the problem of unemployment
6 Sketching is not a method of enhancing
7 Bamboo, wood, and metal products can be enhanced and
decorated to increase their marketability and saleability
8. We can use chisel in carving a wood.
9 Evaluating the projects is a process of checking whether
The project that you have done follows the standards in making a good quality
10 Carving forming a design by cutting​