1. The art or technique of decorating wood or leather by burning a design on the surface with a heated metallic point a. Wood Turning b. Pyrography c. Hand Carving 2. Is a process of using a lathe to make various forms and shapes of wood. a. Wood Turning b. Pyrography c. Hand Carving 3. Is considered a woodcraft in which a sharp object is used to create designs on the wood. Chip carving knife, gouges and chisels are used in this technique. a. Wood Turning b. Pyrography c. Hand Carving 4. Is used to color wood to give an illusion of texture. This may come in two varieties namely, pigment and dye. a. Inlaying b. Gilding c. Staining 5. The simplest way of decorating wood since there are a variety of colors that you can choose from. One may also add a lacquer finish to make it shiny and glossy. a. Painting b. Gilding c. Staining 6. Combines several techniques that involve inserting decorative pieces into a base object to incorporate new designs on the original products. a. Inlaying b. Gilding c. Staining​