Sagot :
1.Parliament has both the power to amend the Marriage Act to allow same-sex couples to wed, in just the same way the Howard Government amended it in 2004 to block same-sex couples from legally marrying. Ireland had to have a referendum on the issue because the only way same-sex couples would be able to wed was if the Constitution was amended and that required a referendum. There is no such requirement in Australia.
2.The nature of democracy is that we elect our politicians to make decisions. The High Court made it clear in its judgment in the 2013 challenge to the ACT’s same-sex marriage laws that Federal Parliament has the power to amend the Marriage Act to allow same-sex couples to marry. It has been observed that our Parliament routinely legislates in respect of socially contentious issues without resorting to plebiscites, including:
3.Modelling by accounting firm PwC estimates that the cost of a standalone plebiscite - that is, one that's not held in conjunction with an election) would be $525 million. I, for one, can think of a lot of better ways to spend half a billion dollars