1. Mark a spot on the floor with a masking tape. Label it as Point A.
2. Place the small ball on point A, then blow on it.
3. Using a ruler, record the distance in centimeters if the ball moved away
from point A or if it did not move at all.
4. Place a toy car on point A, then blow on it. As much as possible, apply
the same amount of force applied on the ball.
5. Using a ruler, record the distance in cm if the toy car moved away from
point A or did not move at all.
6. Place a notebook on point A, then blow on it with the same amount of
force applied on the ball and the toy car.
7. Using a ruler, record the distance in cm if the notebook moved away
from point A or did not move at all.
8. Repeat steps 1 to 7, but this time, push the ball, the toy car, and the
notebook with your fingers. Record your observations.
9. Repeat steps 1 to 7, but this time, use one side of the hardbound book
as a ramp (45 degrees inclination). Label its highest point as A. Put the
ball, toy car, and notebook one at a time without applying any force.
Observe what will happen to the ball, toy car, and notebook. Record
your observations.
10. Make a table like the one below to record your observations. Put a
check ) mark if there was movement after force was applied.​