1. The formation of elements is known as
A. nucleotides
nuclear fission
B. synthogenesis
2. How many types of nucleosynthesis are there?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4.
3. The first elements were formed in what is known as
(A.) Big Bang Nucleosynthesis c. Supernova Nucleosynthesis
B. Stellar Nucleosynthesis D. Genonucleosynthesis
4. The two elements formed in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis were
(A. hydrogen and lithium
C. hydrogen and oxygen
B. hydrogen and helium
D. helium and lithium
5. What type of nucleosynthesis happens in the center of stars and where
the elements helium through iron (Fe) are formed?
C. Supernova D. Superdupernova
A Big Bang Ostellar
6. Stellar nucleosynthesis stops at the element of iron because there are
in their nuclei.
A. not enough protons
C. not enough protrons
B. not enough electrons
D. not enough neutrons
7. All elements bigger than iron on the periodic table are formed in
A. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
C. Supernova Nucleosynthesis
B. Stellar Nucleosynthesis
D. Genonucleosynthesis
8. Which of the following elements was created in a supernova?
А. С
B. Fe
C. Ir
D. Es
9. Which of the following elements was created in a particle accelerator?
A. No
B. N
C. V
D. Au
10. What is the process when alpha particle He-4 fused to heavy elements to
form heavier elements?
A. alpha ladder process
C. CNO cycle
B. big bang nucleosynthesis
D. r-process
11. Which element was created by bombardment of molybdenum by deuterons
(heavy hydrogen, H12), by Emilio Segre and Carlo Perrier in 1937.
A. Oxygen
B. Helium
C. Technetium D. Uranium
12. Which device is used device that is used to speed up the protons to
overcome the repulsion between the protons and the target atomic nuclei
by using magnetic and electrical fields.
A. Spectroscopy
C. Particle Accelerator
B. Particle Decelerator
D. Microscope