how did jesus maintained his connection to his father​

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The passage we’re about to look at is amazing. It’s amazing because it’s a revelation of the most important relationship to ever exist: the relationship between Jesus and his Father. We see here, plainly stated by Jesus himself, ten attributes of the perfect relationship between Father and Son.

We’ll look at those ten attributes of Jesus’ relationship with his Father from John 5:17-37 (I encourage you to read the passage first), then we’ll look at Jesus’ relationship with his disciples, and, finally, we’ll take a look at Jesus’ relationship with you.


Jesus is a reflection of his Father

Jesus works as his Father works. Jesus imitates his Father, he does what he sees his Father do. Jesus said, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.” And he also said, “The Son can do… only what he sees the Father doing.” (John 5:17,19) (We looked at the power of imitation in detail in the first chapter of the new book Love Like Jesus: How Jesus Loved People (And how you can love like Jesus).

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