Antonettehipolito8viz Antonettehipolito8viz Math Answered |- Find the percentage1) 50% of 80-G2) 75% of 100 =3) 5% of 60 = B4) What is 40% of 120? 5) What is 25% of 100? ll- Find the base,1) 25% of what number is 75? 2) 5% of what number is 300? 3) 18% of N=104) 14 is 35% of N5) 50 is 25% of what number? Ill find the rate1) 18 is what % of 126? 2) Whal % of 24 is 48? 3) N% of 625=25? 4) What % 900 is 135? 5). 60 is what % of 480?