Directions: List down the following propaganda under the proper column. Write your answers
on a sheet of paper.
"The drink everybody knows"
"Big Bart Burger? Seems more like a Medium"
"50% stronger to last longer"
"Tasty flake breakfast cereal! Everyone is enjoying it"
"Bea Alonzo is Proactiv+"
"Energy+ Always Wins"
"Make the Right Choice. Baked or Fried?"
"Thriftmart, Save Money. Live Better"
"Come to Where the Flavor Is"
"Militant Men Drink Soda Bomber"

Card stacking
Name calling
Plain folks
Glittering generalities​

Directions List Down The Following Propaganda Under The Proper Column Write Your Answerson A Sheet Of PaperThe Drink Everybody KnowsBig Bart Burger Seems More L class=