26 Refers to the formal political organization in a modem industrial society A Chefdom B Tribe C Band D state 27. These are traditional societies comprised of people or group of people connected by various ties A State B Chiefdom C Tribe D Band 28. These are formal political organizations in a traditional society based on kinship A State B Chiefdom C. Tribe D Band D State 29. A natural inclination that is sought continuously by individuals AReciprocity B. Legitimacy C. Power D. Authority 30. This refers to the right to command. A Reciprocity B. Legitimacy C. Power D. Authonty 31. This is what gives form to authority A Reciprocity B. Legitimacy C Power D. Authority 32. Refers to a market structure characterized by a large number of sellers and buyers with homogenous products. A. Oligopoly B. Monopoly C Amonopolistic D. Pure competition 3. A market structure characterized by a single seller for a well-defined product to which there is no available substitute A Oligopoly B. Monopoly C. Amonopolistic D Pure competition 34. A market structure in which only few sellers comprise the entire industry with a relatively larger number of buyers A. Oligopoly B. Monopoly C. Amonopolistic D Pure competition 35. A market set-up where buyers can physically meet the sellers and purchase the desired merchandise A. Auction B. Non-physical C. Black D Physical 36. In such market, buyers purchase goods and services through the internet, A Auction B. Non-physical C. Black D. Physical 37. In this market set-up, the seller sells the goods to the highest bidder. A. Auction B. Non-physical C. Black D. Physical 38. A market set-up where illegal goods are sold. A. Auction B. Non-physical C. Black D. Physical 39. A financial market sct-up where the exchange of good or service takes place for future use. A Stock B. Bond C. Foreign Exchange D Predictive 40. A form of financial market where sellers and buyers exchange shares A. Stock B. Bond C. Foreign Exchange D. Predictive 41. A marketplace where buyers and sellers are engaged in the exchange of debt securities, usually in the form of bond A. Stock B. Bond C. Foreign Exchange D. Predictive 42. It is known as the "bank of all banks in the Philippines". A BPI B.BDO C. BSP D. CBS 43. This social group is associated with competition or opposition as its nature. A In-group B. Out-group C. Up-group D Down-group 44. These are groups that serve as our standards in setting and evaluating our own behaviors and attitudes. A. Social groups D. Peers B. Reference groups C. Associations 45. Their norms are and values serve as points of comparison for certain behaviors. C. Associative D. Dissociative A Comparative B. Aspirational 46. Refers to people or groups of people we want to be compared with D Dissociative C. Associative B. Aspirational A Comparative 47. Refers to groups where we belong and take part in D. Dissociative B. Aspirational C. Associative A. Comparative 48. Refers to groups people have no interest in being associated with C. Associative D. Dissociative A. Comparative B. Aspirational 49. They collaborate or negotiate with the company administration to raise employee concems. C. Advocacy group D Interest group A Political parties B Labor unions D Interest group 50. They are formed for staging interest in the goverment seat C. Advocacy group A. Political parties B Labor unions D.Interest group