Sagot :
What is the importance of expression of art?
- Artistic expression opens the heart to new learning for many children, allowing them to gain control over strong feelings, and letting them transform emotions into new and creative energies. Provide your child with paint, clay and collage materials for creating visual art.
Should one have feelings in creating a work of art?
- That emotion is a central part of our dealings with artworks seems undeniable. Yet, natural ideas about emotion, at least taken collectively, make it hard to see why such an assumption should be true. Once we know a bit more about emotion, it isn’t clear how we could feel genuine emotion towards artworks in the first place. Furthermore, if it were possible to find a plausible theory of emotion that would vindicate the claim that we experience genuine emotion towards artworks, questions arise as to why most of us are motivated to engage in artworks, especially when these tend to produce negative emotions. How can the emotion we feel towards artworks be rationally justified? Overall, a proper understanding of our emotional responses to art should shed light on its value.