1. Two charged of like sign
A. Repel each other
B. Attract each other
C. Neutralize each other
D. Have no effect on each other

2. lf you comb you hair becomes negatively charged,then the come becomes
A. positivey charged
B. negativelt charged
C. uncharged
D. either a or b depending on the length of the hair

3. An electrical conductor differs from an insulator such that a conductor
A. Has more positive charges than nagative charges
B. Has more negative charges than positive charges
C. Has loosely bound electrons that can move from atom to atom
D. None of these

4. A nagatively charges rod is brought near the knob of an electroscope.You touch the knob of the electroscope momentarily with your finger .The electroscope then
A. Nagatively charges
B. Positively charges
C. Polarized
D. Uncharged

5. ln order to charges two neutal objects by rubbing them together two objects
A. Must be made of the same materials
B. Must be made of the different materials
C. Must both be conductors
D. Must both be insulators ​