One of the most serious types of severe weather to affect New Zealand are tropical cyclones.
As the name suggests, these storms develop in tropical regions closer to the equator. That’s because cyclones require very warm ocean temperatures (27°C or greater) and light winds high in the atmosphere in order to form and strengthen, and both of these things are commonly found in the tropics. Tropical cyclones are also HUGE – the largest can measure up to 2,000 km in diameter.
Tropical cyclones can become very destructive, with the strongest ones having wind gusts over 300 km/h. Winds this strong can easily destroy trees and buildings. Usually the most dangerous aspect of a tropical cyclone is what’s called storm surge. This happens when ocean water “piles up” underneath a cyclone, and then causes flooding in coastal areas as the cyclone reaches land.
Tropical cyclones usually occur during summer and autumn when water temperatures are their warmest. In New Zealand , the
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