Michaelacute1599viz Michaelacute1599viz Music Answered TRUE OR FALSE1. Singing the lullaby by humming or imitating the tune is called melodytrue or false2. Flat is a symbol that raises the sound of a note a semitone higher. true or false3. Sharp is a symbol that lower the sound of a note a semitone higher.true or false4. A staff is made up of 4 lines and 5 spaces.true or false5. EGBDF are letter names in the lines of the staff. true or false6. The home tone of e minor is E found in the first line of the staff.true or false7. G clef is found at the beginning of the staff before the time signature.true or false8. Scale composed of series of notes arranged in lowest to highest and vice versa. true or false9. Key signatures are the group of sharps and flats written at the beginning of the staff. true or false10. Pamulinawen is an example of song in the scale of D. true or false