Other Rights of Workers and
Their Responsibilities

In lesson 1, you learned about some of your rights as a worker. In this lesson,
you will learn about your other rights. These include your rights to equal
opportunities at work, freedom from sexual harassment and others. But does this
mean that you can enjoy your rights without any responsibilities? In this lesson, you will learn that while you enjoy certain rights, there are responsibilities that you must

What will you do if your rights as a worker are violated? Who can help you? Where will you go to seek help? This lesson will also answer these questions. It discusses the proper government agencies and private organizations that can help you uphold your rights as a worker.

After studying this module, you should be able to:

• explain your other rights as a worker,
• discuss your responsibilities as a worker; and
• identify the different government agencies and private organizations that could
help uphold your rights.

Let's Try This

What are your other rights as a worker that were not mentioned in Lesson 1?? Do
you know any?? List them down in the spaces provided below.